Thank You For Attending 'From Sustainability To Resiliency' - Presentation Material Enclosed

Last Thursday evening’s event ‘From Sustainability To Resiliency’ hosted by the JC Tech Meetup Folks was great ! SJC was pleased to participate and co-sponsor the event, which had a great turn out - sorry if you missed it.

We heard from George Valone, President of Hoboken Brownstone Company, Michael Mazur, COO of Greenspot EV, Matt de la Houssaye of Global Green and Tony Borelli of Bike JC and then had a lively discussion with the audience about various perspectives and ideas that would help drive a greener economy, steps we can take to manage Jersey City better and insights about what will make our lives more adaptive to climate change impacts in the future.

I’m including the panelists presentations from above, and also the presentation from Benoy Thanjan, CEO of Renue Energy who was called out of town at the last minute.

Again thanks for coming and see you next time :-)

Speaker Bios


Deb Italiano

SJC Founder & Moderator for this event

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