Eco-Ambassador Program
Become champions of waste prevention, recycling, and diversion
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
What is the Eco-Ambassador Program?
The objective of The Eco-Ambassador program is to empower and educate the Jersey City community about topics that include resource recovery, resiliency, and how to support waste prevention and diversion.
As part of Sustainable JC’s MARCH 2020 CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN URBAN SUSTAINABILITY we will be integrating a SJC Eco-Ambassador Program Session in our Waste Streams Track for Jersey City!
Resource recovery is using wastes as an input material to create valuable products as new outputs. The aim is to reduce the amount of waste generated, therefore reducing the need for landfill space and also extracting maximum value from waste. Waste diversion or landfill diversion is the process of diverting waste from landfills.
Be an advocate for a Zero Waste future and take this upcoming opportunity to participate in one of the training programs we are offering. Find out more about the March 2019 Certificate Program Waste Streams Track: Eco-Ambassador Program Training here!
This new Waste Streams Track is the official launch of the SJC Eco-Ambassador Program and we are very excited about it ! We will be hosting another Eco-Ambassador Program Training separate from our annual Certificate Program in Urban Sustainability so stay tuned for those announcements.
Our goal is to bring together a cohort of people that will work together for one year to reduce their waste footprints and share their knowledge with friends and neighbors.
Eco-Ambassadors learn how to:
Implement materials recycling (including plastics) and food scrap collection programs for themselves, for their buildings and for their neighborhood
Benchmark their own and participant group waste streams and measure progress over time to be able to report success stories
Conduct outreach and perform visual waste audits
Help keep their neighbors engaged and increase diversion practices in their community
SJC’s PTI helps you learn how to lower your waste footprint so you can help alleviate environmental & economic challenges all this STUFF in our lives has created ! (detailed instructions)
Check Out SJC’s New Personal Trash Inventory (PTI) - Simple Step-by-Step Here - Take The Survey - Send Us Pics 👍
SJC’s Go Green Business Campaign
The objective of this campaign is to build a robust network of local businesses interested in environmentalism while also meeting their business goals. This program aims to encourage the community to implement green initiatives such as reducing energy and streamlining waste.
Find out more here!
Learning Resources
Recycle Coach is accessible on your desktop, as well as a Smartphone App !
Learn more about Resource Recovery for Food Waste
Learn more about Resource Recovery for Plastics
SJC’s Suggested Apps List To Help You On Your Journey To A More Sustainable Lifestyle
Keep America Beautiful Webinar Series - Litter In America / TRASH REDUX Opportunities
New Food Waste Legislation in New Jersey Center For Eco Technology
Special thanks to our Education Partner Global Green for their inspiration on this initiative !
2022 Certificate Program In Urban Sustainability with refreshed Waste Streams Module starting soon!